We believe in placing our customers at the very heart of everything that we do which is why if you are not completely satisfied with any aspect of our service we welcome your feedback as this helps us to take a closer look at how we can improve our service delivery and overall customer satisfaction.
If you have had a problem whilst using any aspect of our service or website and would like to formally raise a complaint with us, please call our Customer Services Team and we'll do our best to fix any problems you may be having with our service, as soon as possible.
If speaking with our Customer Services Team does not resolve the matter to your satisfaction You can make a complaint by email at [email protected]
or in writing by letter addressed to the Head of Customer Services at our head office address:
Hexpress Healthcare Limited – Head of Customer Services
106 Lower Addiscombe Road
Croydon CR0
United Kingdom
We have a 2-stage complaints procedure - please see below for an outline of the process. At each stage it will help us to resolve your complaint quickly if you can give us as much information and detail as possible, including any correspondence and stating that you are making a complaint in line with our procedure. Your complaint should at least contain the following:
When you submit your complaint, please ensure that you have provided all of your relevant contact and personal information, including your name, telephone or mobile number and any information relating directly to your complaints (such as the order reference number you were assigned whilst using our service). It is important that these details are provided, as we may need to contact you to request further information and assistance during the course of investigating your complaint.
Please note that if you decide to contact us by way of email, then please ensure that you state whether a response on our part via email is preferable. If not, please include a telephone number or a full postal address where we will be able to contact you.
Our complaints team will always aim to respond to your complaints within ten working days of our receipt of the information you provide. The majority of these complaints will usually be resolved within this length of time. However, it is important to note that should we need to conduct a full investigation then this will take slightly longer for us to respond to and resolve your complaint, pending the results of such an investigation.
This is the first opportunity for the relevant department to resolve a customer's dissatisfaction and the majority of complaints are dealt with verbally over the phone and will be resolved at this stage. If however the complaint cannot be resolved at this initial stage then the complaint will be escalated to the Head of Customer Services. In the first instance, the Head of Customer Services will try to get your complaint resolved or refer the complaint onto the General Manager depending on the nature of the complaint.
If you remain dissatisfied with this response you may request a review by the Head of the relevant department. Your request should be sent to the Head of Customer Services at our head office address who will forward your request to the Head of the relevant department for review.
Stage 1 - maximum 5 working days
Stage 2 - maximum 10 working days
We aim to complete all complaints within the timescales above; however, if a complaint is very complex or involves input from third parties, it may occasionally be necessary to extend the time limit. If this is the case, we will keep the customer fully informed of the progress with the investigation, the reasons for the delay, and the new deadline.
Following any stage of the procedure, a customer has a maximum of 28 days from the date of the final response to request that their complaint be progressed to the next stage.
All complaints received will be dealt with confidentially and in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Fragebogen ausfüllen
Der Arzt stellt
Ihr Rezept aus
Apotheke versendet
Ihr Medikament